M.R. Solutions, Inc.
Branch Re-key
M.R. Solutions has been providing security solutions for banks since 2004 and has highly trained locksmiths who specialize in the process of rekeying for entire branches.
maintain security
Branch Re-key
In instances where a bank key goes missing, it poses a significant security threat, particularly when that key grants access to multiple doors throughout the branch. To maintain security, the branch must either replace all the locks that the lost could open or rekey each of the locks. Rekeying involves changing the lock code by dismantling the lock and replacing the locking pins with new pins and springs. New keys are cut to match the new locking pins, rendering any old keys useless.
M.R. Solutions has been providing security solutions for banks since 2004 and has highly trained locksmiths who specialize in the process of rekeying for entire branches. For locks that are in good condition, our skilled locksmiths will first suggest rekeying, as it is less expensive than replacing the locks. Most quality locks can be rekeyed, and in the case of high-security locks, a new registered code will be generated with registered keys. (On occasion, poor lock condition may prohibit us from rekeying and we will recommend replacement.)
After rekeying the locks, our highly trained technicians will test and lubricate them, resulting in a much more smoothly functioning lock. More importantly, security is restored.
M.R. Solutions is a locally owned and operated business that has specialized in providing security solutions to banks and other businesses in Colorado and Wyoming since 2004. We are passionate in our commitment to providing you with the products and services to secure your business. Contact us today for your branch rekeying needs.
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